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2019 Winners!

2019 Winners!
PlaceFalconerFalconSpecies Sex
1Steve ChindgrenDCGyr/PeregrineM
2Steve ChindgrenZanderGyr/PeregrineM
3Eric SteinhauerAshGyr/PeregrineM
4Steve ChindgrenBadgerGyr/PeregrineM
5Dal McBridePeachPeregrineF
The Gerald Richards Prairie Falcon Award — Blaine Stewart

Friday, the wind howled all day. Only 2 falcons of the 13 flew above the 300 foot minimum: DC and Zander, both flown by Steve Chindgren. Because the scoring is combined for the two days, DC and Zander started the second day with more points.

Saturday’s weather was almost perfect. We had plenty of sunshine with only moderate wind. We had spectacular flights by some outstanding falcons!

More detail will be provided here in the coming days including how high the birds flew, how fast they flew, etc.